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Whipped Honey Tallow Cream

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Whipped Honey Tallow Cream

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Whipped Honey Tallow Cream


We are excited to have partnered with soap and lotion makers, Shoemaker Homestead Soap & Co for one of our favorite products! This healing whipped cream has been made from our own honey and tallow coming from a local source. 

Tallow balm is known for being a vitamin and mineral power house, used for centuries. Tallow is made from rendered, purifed beef fat. It allows for deep hydration while helping to heal your skin.

Ingredients: beef tallow, honey, jojoba oil, rosemary and lavender essential oil.

Because this product has zero preservatives we recommend keeping in a cool dry place and using clean, dry hands or spoon to use product. Best used within 6 months but can be shelf stable up to a year.

4oz jar

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